Local 8th Grader Leaves their Mark on LA County Library On your next trip to an LA County Library, be on the lookout for a bubbly bookmark at checkout. Durfee School 8th grader Jenny Wong from EMCSD is a winner of the 44th annual LA County Library Bookmark Design Contest.
Free Family Math Night - Pizza included! EMCSD is hosting a districtwide math night to celebrate Pi Day (3/14) by providing interactive math activities, and contests for students and families! We will have prizes and LOTS of pizza to celebrate National Pi Day! Click headline to RSVP.
We are officially on Spring Break All EMCSD schools are officially on Spring Break from Friday, March 29 through April 5, 2024. School will resume on Monday, April 8, 2024.
EMCSD Honors Local Emergency Relief Association Legend El Monte City School District (EMCSD) and their Board of Education honored Lillian Rey, the Executive Director of the El Monte & South El Monte Emergency Resource Association (ERA) for her dedication to the families throughout the community. After four decades of service, she is officially retiring.
Rio Hondo Students Flock to Revamped Dance Program A vivid blend of artistic expression and teamwork thrives at EMCSD’s Rio Hondo School through their innovative Dance and Flag program. From its inception as a dance initiative, this program has bloomed into a mesmerizing tapestry of movement, rhythm, and collaboration. Read more here!
Student Free Day on Monday, January 22: No School for TK - 8 students Schools will be closed on Monday, January 22 for Student Free Day. Teachers and school staff will be participating in professional development opportunities with the goal of enhancing our everyday programming. Schools will resume to regular schedules on Tuesday, January 23, 2024. Head Start will have their regularly scheduled day on Monday, January 22
NO SCHOOL: Thursday, Dec. 21 - Friday Jan. 5 All schools will be closed Thursday, Dec. 21 - Friday, Jan. 5. District Office will be closed Dec. 22, Dec. 25, Dec. 29, and Jan. 1. School resumes Monday, January 8
EMCSD Earns Golden Bell for TK Kinder Academy El Monte City School District (EMCSD) has been awarded a 2023 California School Boards Association (CSBA) Golden Bell for their TK and Kindergarten Readiness Academy in the Early Childhood Education category. Click headline to read more!
EMCSD TK Spotlight | PBS's Inside California Education El Monte City School District's Transitional Kindergarten (TK) program was spotlighted by PBS Nor Cal to show how EMCSD's TK improves students learning from a fun and interactive approach.
4th Grade Sacramento Study Trip - Information Meeting, December 12, 2023 at 6pm 4th Grade Parents: The Information Meeting for the 4th Grade Sacramento Study Trip in March 2024 is scheduled for Tuesday, December 5 at 6pm. Click headline for more details.